Record of
8.00 pm Tuesday 22nd May 2018
Held at the Marion Mahony Griffin Hall
Glenaeon School Campus, Castlecrag
Organiser: Richard Newton, President of the Haven Amphitheatre Committee
Welcome and acknowledgement of Country
Deputy Mayor Councillor Hugh Eriksson
A full hall of people including all three Ward Councillors (Deputy Mayor Councillor Hugh Eriksson, Councillor Denis Fernandez, Councillor Brendon Zhu) members of the community, two Council Officers, and members of:
- Haven Amphitheatre Committee (HAC)
- Castlecrag Conservation Society (CCS)
- Castlecrag Progress Association (CPA)
- Friends of the Haven (FOH)
- Haven Promotions Inc. (HPI)
- Walter Burley Griffin Society (WBGS)
- Willoughby Environment Protection Association (WEPA).
The Mayor Gail Giles Gidney, Councillor Wendy Norton, former Councillor John Hooper, Margaret Chambers, James Cryer, Margaret Edwards, Bob Edwards, Toni Foster, James Hamilton, Ross Hutcherson, Tim Maddren, Angel Neshama, Maria Pernetta, Deidre Pope, Ern Pope, John Vaughan, Terry Weisener and Chris Wren.
Purpose of the meeting
Presenter: Richard Newton
- To inform Community of current DA plans and progress of the Haven Amphitheatre stage rebuild
- To identify any barriers to progress
- To suggest ways to overcome barriers
- To advise Council of community views and recommendations
Contribution of past key people was acknowledged: the Griffins, Robert Sheldon AM and Howard Rubie.
A short history of The Haven from 1932- 2011 was presented
Presenter: Richard Newton
A video recalling past Haven events was shown. Note: this is available on The Haven website .
A short chronology was presented of The Haven stage rebuild project over the past six years: 2012 to March 2018.
2.1 Former (removed) stage of The Haven Amphitheatre
Photo of the old stage ca. 2014
2.2 Summary of requirements for a functional new stage
Presenter: Richard Newton
The HAC has advised that the requirements for a functional new stage are:
- Stage is to be of similar shape and position to the previous stage.
- The stage should come up to, without harming, the creek line tree ferns (see left corner of photo).
- Provision of access ramp and steps to and from the stage to the undercroft storage area, providing access for performers and crew.
- The stage should align with the seating without dangerous gaps between the seating and stage.
- Provision of a rounded back to the stage so as to facilitate a temporary rain cover erected over part of the stage.
- Provide a suitable modern composite watertight surface to the stage.
2.3 Development and construction approvals – situation report
- Community is happy that a Development Consent for the Stage rebuild has been given, dated 23 March 2018.
- HAC has carefully analysed the Consent plans and finds that there are a number of issues in the approved plans which would render the replacement stage and site-use non-functional for modern theatre. These issues can be addressed.
- The most important issues in the Development Consent requiring resolution are:
- Stage design – functionality, position, orientation, and providing for future needs.
- Stage surface.
- Stage safety.
- Disabled access.
2.4 Stage design and safety issues
Discussion Points
- The stage design in the Development Consent requires modification to provide a functional stage.
- There is little point in accepting a design that is not fit for its purpose. Modifications are needed so that the stage “works”.
- A “Section 96” amendment to the Development Consent (now s 4.55 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act) will be needed to modify the existing Consent. One audience member thought that the changes needed might require a new DA. However, there was strong support for a s 4.55 application as the appropriate way forward to make the necessary changes to the Development Consent. I
- It would be unwise to accept the flaws in the design contained in the Development Consent.
- The stage position in the Development Consent is too far up the creek, resulting in a higher than necessary stage,
- The stage needs to be further down the creek to avoid loss of tree ferns, which are an integral part of the ambience, and which are used for up-lighting effects.
- Hydrology of the creek affects the undercroft storage and operations area and is an important consideration in determining the actual stage height.
- The stage should align with the seating without hazardous voids between the seating and stage, into which performers, patrons or objects might fall. Note that the Haven is an accessible reserve open to the public day and night.
A wharf-like raised timber deck (over a waterproof roof to the undercroft) is proposed for the stage surface. This is unsuitable as a stage surface because:
- The proposed raised timber deck will cause a higher stage in a situation where the height of the stage should be as low as possible, to match the lowest row of seating, and to preserve vistas to the bushland and harbour waterway.
- The stage surface must be robust and made of a maintenance-free material that will last more than 50 years. It must also be able to withstand fire, and the outdoor environment.
- The stage surface needs to be sound-deadening (i.e., not “drummy”) when jumped on.
- The proposed stage surface of boards with gaps is dangerous for performers, and can cause trip hazards and splinters. Comfort and safety for performers is essential.
- There are modern composite materials available that should be considered to meet the stage surface requirements.
- The proposed triangular shape does not optimise the stage as a performance area or provide sufficient room for onstage cabaret seating. The cabarets have proved to be a reliable and popular means of fundraising, which subsidises the highly-valued children’s events.
- The triangular shape of the stage in the Development Consent means there is no option for a temporary rain canopy to cover part of the stage, which is a requirement for insuring events.
- Preserving the landscape was fundamental to the Griffins’ philosophy and the community wants to maintain the bush landscape heritage, the ambience and the magic of this theatre in the bush.
- Whether or not the construction phase requires large machinery, we need to specify construction techniques that do not degrade the heritage fabric and landscape of the site.
- The historic status of the original western stone seats was mentioned..
- The community has worked hard to achieve consensus about the new Haven stage.
- The serious design problems of the stage should, and could, have been identified by Council and resolved before the process was so far advanced.
2.5 Disabled Access
- Access for the disabled is a requirement for the site.
- The option adopted in the Development Consent (the “hairpin bend” ramp option on the northern slope) will destroy trees, tree ferns, and heritage fabric – it would take out all of the heritage stone seating on the northern terrace – and will introduce potential safety problems for users. Better options exist.
- Two other options were presented for consideration:
- a wheelchair inclinator on the south-west boundary of the site; and
- a “balcony” terrace or viewing platform at road level on the Barricade boundary where people can easily get from their vehicle to the viewing platform with very good viewing sightlines. FOH has commissioned advice from an access consultant recommending this solution.
- These alternative options were regarded as much more desirable and considerably less expensive than the ramps in the Development Consent option, with strong support for the “balcony” or viewing platform solution.
- The general issue of disabled parking throughout Castlecrag, including at The Haven, was raised. The Castlecrag Progress Association agreed to take up this general issue, with advice from Council’s Access Committee and interested local residents. Dr Frank Fisher (resident), and the Vice President of the Castlecrag Progress Association (Dr John Steel) offered to be involved.
Presenter: Dr Karen Byth Wilson, President of Haven Promotions Inc. (HPI)
- HPI is a registered incorporated charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and so can receive tax-deductible donations for rebuilding The Haven Stage.
- Dr Byth Wilson emphasised that “We have to work together”. She also stated that HPI’s small team of seven people have been able to raise over $75,000 in under two years. She encouraged others in the community to initiate the additional fundraising activities previously canvassed at the 2016 CPA meeting when she first suggested staging The Carnival as a fundraiser at The Concourse Theatre. She invited tax deductible donations to HPI’s Give Now website ( )
- $58 000, was raised in 2017 by HPI’s production of The Carnival and related sponsorships, followed by $14,300 in 2018 from the Patricia O’Callaghan sings Leonard Cohen, also at The Concourse. Other generous donations have also been received.
- To continue effective fundraising, we need clear evidence of financial backing from Council and we need a sensible revised cost estimate for an agreed functional design.
Discussion Points
- One resident reported that documents obtained from a GIPA search indicated Council had been awarded $12.7 million in compensation in relation to the Lane Cove Tunnel, with $5.5 million of it for allocation in its Open Space budget, of which $100,000 was used to pay Council’s legal fees incurred in relation to the Talus Street Reserve matter. The resident suggested this Open Space money should not be used to pay Council’s legal fees. Instead it should go to Open Space projects including The Haven rebuild.
- Regarding the estimated $300,000 access ramp cost, it was questioned whether Council would contribute these funds to stage reconstruction if they do away with the “hairpin” ramp in favour of a less costly access option.
Discussion Points
- First, Council would need to agree to a “section 96” (Section 4.55) modification to the Development Consent.
- We need to work with Council through our Ward Councillors to overcome the design problems.
- Cr Fernandez said that in a briefing with a Council Officer he was advised that the community needs to be unified for a Development Consent amendment to proceed.
- He stated that money for The Haven is set aside in reserve and will be available when the time comes, even if it is not shown in the budget.
- Cllr Fernandez offered to chair a meeting of the community, with the other Ward Councillors, Cllr Eriksson and Cllr Zhu, to review the way forward. He said “we are now so close”. The audience applauded the Ward Councillors’ offer to work with the community towards a good solution for The Haven.
- We need to have online easy access to the current version of the Development Consent including the approved plans. It appears to some that the plans for the Development Consent on Council’s website are incomplete or incorrect. Cllr Fernandez will forward to HAC the link to the Development Consent on the WCC website, which will then be put on the websites of HAC, Friends of the Haven and HPI, and could be used for other local groups’ websites.
- Concern was raised that Development Consents are now taken off Council’s website after only six months from approval. All agreed that they should be there for the long term; Cr Eriksson offered to see if this can be remedied.
- Two complimentary seats to the Gala Reopening Event of the Haven Amphitheatre (date to be advised) were won as a lucky door prize.
- The prize of a walk-on role as Assistant to Santa’s Helper at the next Carols by Candlelight at the Haven was won in a raffle draw.
- The meeting unanimously agreed that there should be another follow-up Community Meeting organised by HAC in two months’ time. Richard Newton agreed that HAC would arrange the meeting.
- The community was invited to contact the committee members of HAC* and let them know what they would like to have discussed or presented at the next meeting. Ward Councillors should be able to report by then on progress towards the Section 4.55 amendments.
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Eriksson closed the meeting.
- He thanked Council Officers Mr Ian Arnott and Ms Melanie Smith who had attended the meeting.
- He advised that Councillors are no longer involved in DA decisions. So in the case of all DAs, as with the proposed s.4.55 application for The Haven when the applicant is Council, they can now speak more freely as they are no longer approvers of the DA.
- We are all working together to get this done and to have something that is shovel-ready as soon as possible.
- He thanked the HAC and Richard Newton for organising the meeting. The three Ward Councillors will support the community in their wish to rebuild the Haven stage as soon as possible.
- The strong interest of the community has been noted by the Ward Councillors.
The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.
Special thanks to the generosity of Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, and particularly its Principal Mr Andrew Hill and Ms Mary Heard of the Castlecrag Campus in making the Marion Mahony Griffin Hall available for our Castlecrag community to hold its meetings.
The old stage could have been repaired?
Please see 2014 asset report
The deferred DA provisions have been reported by Council officers to be almost complete. We expect the Council DA to be completed in October 2017.
Trent Zimmerman MP
The Haven Amphitheatre, Castlecrag
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Mr Speaker,
Our national capital is linked to parts of my own electorate through the visionary hands of Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahoney Griffin.
Just as they shaped Canberra as the bush capital, so the Griffins were responsible for the celebrated planning and architecture of Castlecrag.
Their vision was for a suburb created in harmony with the area’s natural bushland and founded in a strong sense of community.
In the early 1930s Marion Mahoney Griffin established the Haven Valley Scenic Theatre to help bring the community together.
The theatre was formed by the landscape of a Castlecrag gully and allowed theatre goers to witness productions under moonlight and the stars, surrounded by majestic eucalypts and the colour of wattle blooms.
Sadly, the theatre fell into disrepair, but was salvaged through the efforts of the local community in the mid-1970s.
Today the community is again rallying to ensure its future.
I was therefore thrilled to be able to attend the Sydney premiere of a spectacular circus opera, The Carnival, at the Chatswood Concourse to help raise funds for the rebuilding of the Haven amphitheatre stage.
The three performances raised over $58,000, and I want to congratulate all those involved in what was a major undertaking.
Willoughby Council has allocated funds for the restoration of the Haven, which will need to be matched by contributions from the community. Their attendance at The Carnival demonstrates just how committed residents are to achieving this goal.
I hope it will not be too long before the Haven once again is restored to its unique place in the community and cultural life of our city.
Trent Zimmerman MP
The Haven Amphitheatre, Castlecrag
Progress for The Haven Amphitheatre
Willoughby Council passes Deferred Commencement DA.
- Monday, 12 December 2016
- Minutes see pages 32 – 50
Mr Ian Arnott corrected the mistake in the officers report.
Mayor Gail and Councillors,
Concern has been raised that Attachment 3 (Detailed Consideration of Submissions) of Item 18.1 (Haven Amphitheatre), for consideration at tonight’s meeting, has misquoted a submission.
Issue 4 attributed to the submission from Dr P Stokes representing a number of community groups and adjacent neighbours incorrectly states that the submission requests a reduction in the size of the stage. The final submission from Dr P Stokes on behalf of the community groups and neighbours, which supersedes a preliminary submission lodged, does not request a reduction in the size of the stage.
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Ian Arnott
The DA proposal by CAB consulting and council has a $1,300,000 price tag?
The stage replacement concept put up by the Haven Amphitheatre Committee 4 years ago was under $400,000
A large hole has been left following the removal of the condemned stage.
Removal of the cement sheet stage and timber support structure revealed many of the major wooden support piles had rotted in the ground – to be expected after 40 years in this damp location.
The creek has travelled under the stage in this constructed drainage channel and recent work has been done to cement the rocks in place to minimise erosion with the stage removed.
The removal of the stage has left a large hole in the landscape
The white string line is the CAB consulting recommended height and sides of of their new stage proposal. Now the old stage has been removed it is apparent that the height and shape are perhaps not the desired option for this heritage site. The green line is an elliptical plan submitted to council 4 years ago. Given the nature of the site it is apparent the creek could be lowered rather than the stage raised.
We note the triangular form appears to stand on the landscape. The elliptical stage sits in the valley.
This is the document sent as a joint community response to the Council DA. 06/10/2016
The WBGS have sent their own response documents.
Joint submission to DA-2016/283 Alterations and additions to Haven Amphitheatre including stage replacement with a storeroom, accessible ramps and terrace and associated works.
From: Haven Amphitheatre Committee, Castlecrag Progress Association, Castlecrag Conservation Society, Willoughby Environmental Protection Association, The Friends of the Haven and adjacent neighbours David Shteinman (1 The Scarp) and Glen & Catriona Gulliver (15 The Barricade).
We are pleased that Willoughby City Council has lodged its DA for the reconstruction of the Haven Amphitheatre in Castlecrag for public comment. The above Castlecrag community groups and neighbours wish to respond to the DA with a joint submission.
We are mindful of the considerable work that has gone into this DA and note that the existing stage has been demolished. Only now, with the stage gone and with the height poles in place, have we been able to properly assess the proposed design.
The community places great value on the cultural heritage of the Haven. Our overarching goal is to see the Haven returned as a functional outdoor theatre and undercroft, as soon as is possible. At the same time, we wish to see a reduction in the proposed scope of the landscaping, access and terrace reconstruction activities so that the project’s impact on the site and its cost can be minimized.
In particular, we would like to suggest the following changes to the DA:
- Change the shape and orientation of the proposed stage to an elliptical Such a stage should minimise the need for excavation on the eastern slope and would minimise the visual impact on the adjacent neighbours. It would also preserve the sight lines to the stage from both the western and northern terraces while retaining the amphitheatre nature of the site that has prevailed since the 1970s.
- Reduce the ceiling height in the undercroft from 5 metres to 2.1 metres in accordance with BCA (c) and, if possible, move the stage further down the creek. Given the size of the space and the extent of previous work on the water course, this might enable a significant lowering of the stage, closer to the level of the old stage, while retaining both adequate undercroft ceiling height and clearance to the watercourse.
- Explore the possibility of providing an access ramp, for wheel chairs and carers, to the western (Barricade) terrace from the southwestern corner. This would not only avoid the impact of the proposed access ramp from The Scarp but also substantially reduce the total cost of the project
- If access from the Barricade is not possible, consider locating all three disabled spaces to the northern terrace. This would remove the need for an accessible pathway across the western terrace and for the proposed viewing platform at the southern end of the western
- Do everything possible by way of design to preserve all the existing stone seating, not just the top rows of the western We believe that the lower parts of the western terrace are of great heritage value, both historical and cultural. The original seats were built in 1934 and although there appears to have been considerable work done on them in the 1970s, they form an integral part of the atmosphere and ambience of the place. Consequently, we do not wish the seats to be disturbed except as is necessary for safety reasons.
- Ensure that as many as possible of the existing trees in the site be preserved and protected, not just the four trees identified in the Arborist’s
In closing, we believe that all possible steps should be taken to minimise the impact of the project on the site so that as much as possible of the character and ambience of the old Haven Amphitheatre is preserved.
Dr Paul Stokes,
For and on behalf of the five community groups, and neighbours adjacent to the Haven.
Council Have your say on the 2016/2017 budget
The council have your say on the proposed 2016/2017 budget had;
23 Responses, emails and letters in support of the Haven Stage Project
4 on other matters—Minutes/General-Council-Meetings/2016-06-27/
May 2016
Council Budget 2016/2017
No allowance made in the 2016/17 budget for a new stage.
It is planned to remove the old stage and restore the site.
The suggestion of some dollar for dollar funding in 17/18 is for a new council or the administrator and cannot be relied on.
The program is listed 8 out of 9 as a priority in funding.
_____________________________ _________
February 2016
The Stage project did not meet the required dead lines to be included in the 2016/2017 financial allocations
Where are we at September 2015?
Several plans have been presented, however none have met the Council approved specification. Plans have been taken back by the architects for revision and we expect to be presented with the latest iteration early October 2015.
Functional specification approved by council on 28 July 2014
1. The functional specification for the Haven Amphitheatre improvements, as per Attachment 2 dated 14 July 2014 be adopted and be used to prepare design options for community consultation to renew / refurbish the Haven Amphitheatre.
2. Community consultation on the design options for a new open–air theatre take place with a subsequent report to Council, detailing proposed costings and results of the community consultation.
MOVED COUNCILLOR ERIKSSON SECONDED COUNCILLOR HOOPER CARRIED Voting For the Motion: Councillors Giles-Gidney, Eriksson, Hill, Hooper, Mustaca, Norton, Rozos and Sloane. Against: Councillors Coppock, Rutherford, Saville and Wright.
(see “Amphitheatre Stage replacement progress” for full details of the officers report and council minutes.)
1-Haven Amphitheatre -WCC spec July 2014 (3)
Click on above link for pdf
The Haven Amphitheatre Committee’s Stage Project Requirements (29 May 2014)
– as referred to in the above Functional Specification approved by Council on 28 July 2014
The Haven Amphitheatre Stage project
The proposed stage profile
Required is
A code compliant structure built to provide a modern low maintenance open air theatre facility for the next 50 plus years.
- Temporary stage cover.
- Ramps stage left and right from the stage to the undercroft.
- A dry lockable undercroft comprising, Toilet and shower facility, Kitchenette, Green Room, Dehumidified technical room, Storage.
- Provision for disabled attendance.
The architect will detail the design, actual layout and materials.
The Stage
Say approximately 120 m square. A minimal increase in size.
See Appendix. “Proposed Stage Geometery”.
Demountable Stage Canopy
Control desk
The existing desk will be used with provision for a temporary umbrella and clear sides.
Ticket position and disabled viewing platform
- A small platform 2000 x 4000 mm will be installed to the northern side of the top of the main staircase from the Barricade.
Timber seats across the creek
New well-constructed seating to be spanned across the creek at the northern edge of the stage.
The Undercroft
A dry contained area to maximize all the available space under the stage eighty m2 or more.
With hot water.
Undercroft Technical Room a Secure (dry) Audio Lighting Equipment Room
Stage speaker mountings
Provision will be made for speaker support columns in the hand rail design
Stage boxes
Six lockable stage boxes for Audio, communications, 240v power and lighting dimmers.
Control desk box
This waterproof lockable facility box.
Three existing remote lighting box outlets (currently installed)
Two remote lighting boxes at the front stage level (new) located under the proposed creek bench seats
Disabled Portaloo Platform
Current portable toilet location configured for a disabled Portaloo
The bridge structure is to be reviewed and replaced as required.
Emergency and house lighting
The Non interruptible power supplies will be relocated to the secure dry technical space in the undercroft.
Areas (approx.)
- Stage 120 m2
- Undercroft Total >80 m2
- Toilet wash room 10 m2
- Kitchen Catering 10 m2
- Green Room 14 m2
- Make up 10 m2
- Technical secure room 12 m2
- Storage 24 m2
- Ticket Booth 8 m2