Adopted by Willoughby City Council, Ordinary Meeting, 24 February 2014
- 1. Name of Committee
The name of the Committee is The Haven Amphitheatre Committee.
- 2. Purposes of Committee
The purposes of the Committee are:
. To conserve The Haven Amphitheatre’s natural, architectural and cultural heritage.
• To operate a community-based open-air stage for music, theatre and the performing arts.
• To manage and co-ordinate community events held at The Haven Amphitheatre. • To ensure events are reflective of the city of diversity.
3 Functions of Committee
The functions of the Committee are:
• To manage planning, marketing, operating and controlling of events. • To participate where possible in Council’s Festival programming.
• To prepare as appropriate an Event Management Plan for each event, liaise with Council’s Traffic Branch and Events Manager.
• To keep structures on the site in a clean and serviceable order.
• To use best endeavours to comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 for all volunteers and contractors working at the Amphitheatre.
• To use best endeavours to comply with the Griffin Reserves Plan of Management (1997-under review) and the Urban Bushland Plan of Management (1997- under review).
4. Committee membership and operations
4.1. Committee membership
The membership of the Committee shall be:
• The Mayor, as the ex-officio chairperson of all Committees of Council.
. Councillors of the Sailors Bay Ward.
One Willoughby City Council staff representative as nominated by the General Manager. . Maximum of 15 and no less than 6 committee members.
If the Committee resolves that expert advice is needed on an ongoing basis on the Committee, then the Committee can co-opt as a Temporary Member the relevant Council Officer, including but not limited to, Council’s Open Space Manager, Bushland Manager or Events Manager.
4.2. Appointment of non-Councillor Committee members
• Membership of the Committee, other than Councillor members, shall be sought by invitation or advertisement in the local print media.
• Residency in Castlecrag and knowledge and experience in the arts and event industries shall be desirable, but not essential, selection criteria.
• Committee members are appointed for the term of Council or until Council resolves to disband the Committee.
4.3 Vacation from office
Any Committee Member wishing to resign from the Committee shall do so in writing. When a member is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings without an apology their position will be declared vacant.
4.4. Committee Office-bearers
The Committee shall elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
4.5. Role of Committee members
The role of Committee members shall be to contribute constructively to delivery of the functions of the Committee in order to achieve its purposes.
4.6. Committee meetings
• The president shall convene not less than four meetings in each Financial Year
• Council’s Code of Meeting Practice shall apply, as current and published on Council’s website.
• The quorum for Haven Amphitheatre Committee meetings will be half of its ordinary community members plus one.
• Committee may resolve matters of an ancillary or minor nature by way of email communications. Any matter so resolved shall be noted and included in the next Meeting’s Minutes.
4.7. Code of Conduct
Council’s Code of Conduct shall apply to meetings and all activities of the Committee, as current and published on Council’s website.
4.8. Reports to Council from Committee
Minutes of the Committee’s meetings shall be kept in accordance with the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, as current and published on Council’s website.
Annual reports forwarded to Council’s Records Branch following ratification.
The Treasurer will prepare an Annual Financial Return. The Committee will adopt and forward that return together with the Committee’s Annual Report to Council by 31 August in each year.